
News 14.9.2017

Kaapeli 25 – Reminiscences and recollections of the Cable Factory is published

Kaapelitehdas, Cable Factory, will celebrate its 25th anniversary in the fall of 2017. The former cable factory, which was for decades the largest building in Finland and a symbol for Finland's transition from an agrarian society to an industrialized country, has been a center for Finnish art and culture since the early 1990s. Over the years, it has housed numerous high-profile Finnish artists, photographers, writers, musicians, dance artists and filmmakers.

- It has also become a major venue for art and a hub for creative collaboration. This internationally unique location has survived the challenges of time and been able to renew itself, says Kai Huotari, CEO for Kiinteistö Oy Kaapelitalo.

KAAPELI 25 is an anniversary book that brings together memories of the past and visions of the future of some of the key people in the cultural center's history: artists, politicians and officials who are responsible for the building of the Cable Factory, tenants and employees who have worked in the house at various stages, and partners who have followed the development of the house into a significant European cultural center.

The book is published in hardcover and in full colour printing in three different languages: Finnish, Swedish, English. It will be available on 14 September, 2017.

Additional information: Managing Director, Kai Huotari, Kiinteistö Oy Kaapelitalo, kai.huotari@kaapelitehdas.fi, tel. 050 384 1557



Photo: Patrik Rastenberger

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